Wednesday, January 28, 2015

kidney lab



digestive system interesting post

Everyone has a stomach problem one time or another it is very common. i chose to talk about acidity problems because i had a little problem a while back and wanted to figure out what it was and what it possibly could of lead to. Acid kills the unhealthy bacteria and fungi that are normally digested with food, to much acid is bad and to little acid is a also a problem. Some people are handed medicine that cuts away the amount of acid in your stomach when the real problem is they do not have enough acid in the first place. It usually makes the problem much worse. Low stomach acid causes food to not be broken down properly which therefore makes the bad bacteria to survive. The bugs now have a good environment to survive eat all thhe undigested food and multiply. that small mistake by the doctor now leads to a chronic nutrient deficiencies

pig dissection lab

The pig was very small and cute compered to what i was expecting and i thought i could do the dissection until i saw it and made me feel sick. but from what i did see the pig was very cute before the dissection and smelt very bad when it was opened up.

biological molecules lab

tests on paper

before heating

during heating

after heating


The apple apricot and bread were positive for glucose because they were all diff colors. The bread and dorito were positive for starch because the iodine turned it black. Oil was positive for fat and was the only one the rest were negative for fat.

muscle knots

I have always wondered why i get muscle knots after working out or after a tough game. the reason for the knots to occur for example in your shoulder is because the points in your muscle are contracted fibers that cant release these can cause pain in two ways; latent trigger points which only cause pain when u apply pressure on the point or try rubbing the area, the other one is called active trigger points which cause pain rapidly and along the neural pathways which connects the nervous system with another. knot heads can either be the size of a pinhead in smaller muscles to the size of a thumb in bigger muscles

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

buddy reflection

1.  What adjustments and improvements did you make in your lessons (structure, activities, organization, instructions) from the first lesson to the last one?
In our first lesson we were not organised and didnt expect what was coming, the next few lessons we taught were much more exciting and organised for the kids and us because we thought about it before we went there by making a plan.

2.  What was the biggest challenge for your group?  For you? 
The biggest challenge for me and my group was that we had to tell the instructions very carefully and had to think about possible scenarios that the kids could have a difficult time on.

3.  Describe your favourite moment as a leader and explain why.
It was cheering the kids up and putting a big smile on their faces by doing simple things like helping them out and playing with them.

4. What do you still need to work on?  What improvements would you make if you were continuing teaching for another month?
I still need to work on teaching the instructions. I would try to talk more and participate more in games.

PE Buddies -
1.  What are some of the things that you learned being a PE buddy?
They think the smallest efforts by us are big and it makes them happy that we are playing with them

2.  Did your comfort level change over the course of the month?  Why or why not?
Yes it did, by the last lesson i was participating more and helping them learn much more

3.  What was your favourite part of being a buddy?  Be specific.
my fav part was making them happy and playing games that they enjoyed like capture the flag tht got them excited and going

In conclusion -
Rate the following:

Your group -
Lesson planning  4/5
Organization  3.5/5
Instructional clarity  3.5/5
Team work   4.5/5
Improvement 5/5

You -
Interaction with buddy  8/10
Improvement on your goal  3/5

Monday, January 12, 2015


5week fitness program

week 1: 
Deadlift 260 1x5
Squat 190 3x5
Pullups 5x10

2nd day of week 1
squat 190 3x5
bench 125 3x5
pullups 5x10

deadlift 265 1x5
Squat 190 3x5
Pullups 5x10

2nd day of week 2
squat 195 3x5
cleans 135 5x3

pullups 5x10

Deadlift 270 1x5
Squat 195 3x5
Pullups 5x 10

2nd day of week 3
squat 195 3x5
bench 130 3x5

pullups 5x10

Deadlift 275 1x5
Squat 200 3x5
Pullups 5x 10

2nd day of week 4
squat 200 3x5
cleans135 5x3

pullups 5x10

Deadlift 280 1x5
Squat 200 3x5
Pullups 5x 10

2nd day of week 5
squat 205 3x5
bench 135 3x5

pullups 5x10

Friday, January 9, 2015

intersting urine system fact

In 1669, Hennig Brand discovered phosphorus by boiling down urine and heating the residue to very high temperatures. He was trying to make gold though, and he hoped that the yellow color of urine meant there was gold in it. Also Meth users sometimes recycle the chemicals from their urine or just consume it to get high