Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Hi Mom and Dad!
This is my interim report for the Human Kinetics Coop.

So far, the highlights for me have been: most of the fieldtrips were really fun i enjoyed rock climbing alot

I am the most proud of:I am proud of the amount of things we learned about the heart because i never knew any of those things. 

The most interesting things I have learned about are: how the heart works and how it pumps blood faster 

An example of when I really pushed myself in SuperFit is:beep test and the hill run we did as a class

I could make improvements in:not getting distracted 

I am really looking forward to: more fieldtrips 

The Basics - WORK HABITS:

Attendance (classes missed and why) - i missed some because of soccer and one because of my injury

Participation in field trips (woo kim, grouse grind, rock climbing) - i went to them all now 

Lates (how many & reasons) - i was late before but now i improved 

Preparedness for class (gym strip &/or supplies) - always have it

Class time management (are you using your class time to complete your work?  engaged in class discussion? participating? following along? doing your best? or talking too much? ) -i am well at class management and finish most of the stuff in class

Blog assignment completion - (out of 8 assignments) Comments? i did all of them 

Self evaluation of work habits for each class in coop - G/S/N : G

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