Monday, October 27, 2014

tree growing in lung

Ron Sveden was a retired teacher from Brewster, Massachusetts in the USA was very surprised to discover that what he thought was a tumor  growing in his lung was actually a plant that had sprouted from an inhaled pea. 75-year old Sveden said he was told the pea seed had split and sprouted in his lung. It was about half an inch long which is very big. Sveden had been short of breath for several months with  emphysema, one of a group of diseases called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD, when he took a turn for the worse. He said he was coughing a lot and feeling listless, so his wife Nancy called 911 and he was rushed to hospital where doctors took X-rays and found that his left lung had collapsed and showing a grainy spot on X-ray.The doctors followed two more weeks of tests, and Sveden had prepared himself for a diagnosis of lung cancer, but all the tests were negative for cancer. Then one doctor discovered he had a plant growing in his lung, during the surgery and was removed. He healed perfectly and found it very humorous that it was tree and not cancer.

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