Friday, November 14, 2014

what is important to me?

In hk the most important thing is enjoying the class and what we are learning and the pace we get to learn and have fun with the work, also pushing myself onto learning new and different things by searching about it and blogging.

in biology I have been doing well on blogging and learning along with the class my evidence is in my quizzes because i did pretty good on them getting 9/11 on one and the other 12/14 which is not bad and that shows that i learn all the structures and also my second piece of evidence is my blogs for example the heart structure, diagram and dissection blogs that show all about my understanding with the heart and also the lung cup/balloon diagram i made is also another. Other blogs like the my respiration lab, interesting joints and  pumpkin skull  are also  all great examples on how much i learned in bio so far. my learning goals are to learn more about the muscular structure. I think i deserve 83% in bio because i showed all my evidence of learning want to improve from that grade by next report cards.

In exercise science i have shown that my vo2 level is 58 and that i am rated good and almost excellent on the scale. my evidence are my blogs for example fitness testing results and  workout routines. my body poster shows how much I understood and posted on my poster. My fitness goal was not achieved for getting more stamina because i was unluckily and  got injured and couldn't run but instead my goal on becoming more flexible was achieved because I stretched a lot more in rehab. My goal for next semester is to recover my ankle and start doing fitness again and to achieve my goal on getting more stamina.  I think i deserve around 87% in exercise science.

in superfit i went to many field trips and enjoyed most of the like rock climbing because i never experienced that and it was fun. I also found skating very scary bbut fun because last time i did it i got stitches and said i wouldn't do it again but somehow did that day without falling. Instead of superfit this semester i did rehab for my ankle and went physio twice a week which really helped because she gave me exercises which is getting me back into soccer slowly i think i deserve around 92%in superfit.

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