Monday, November 17, 2014

protein lab

1) The bond is called peptide bonds
2) Due to polar peptide bonds between amino acids
3) Bending and twisting creates the cd structure. mine looked different the everyone else because I used different letters
4) It was created 2 or more polypeptides stuck together
5) No it changes because the amino acids will be different and the bonds will also change and the side chain would change too

Protein activity

Saturday, November 15, 2014

colon cancer

I was surprised by how the cancer was joined and came out together. The most amazing part was when the surgeon took it out and how it looked and also the tools they used to cut through the inside called electrocautery tool.  The most interesting part was how the docs can place small cameras in the abdomon and shows how the surgery happens and also how they insert the patients abdomen with carbon dioxide gas  which gives them more space and gives them a bettter view. I learned that colon cancer can be diagnosed at any age but most cases are in people over 40

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Embedded image permalink

Friday, November 14, 2014

what is important to me?

In hk the most important thing is enjoying the class and what we are learning and the pace we get to learn and have fun with the work, also pushing myself onto learning new and different things by searching about it and blogging.

in biology I have been doing well on blogging and learning along with the class my evidence is in my quizzes because i did pretty good on them getting 9/11 on one and the other 12/14 which is not bad and that shows that i learn all the structures and also my second piece of evidence is my blogs for example the heart structure, diagram and dissection blogs that show all about my understanding with the heart and also the lung cup/balloon diagram i made is also another. Other blogs like the my respiration lab, interesting joints and  pumpkin skull  are also  all great examples on how much i learned in bio so far. my learning goals are to learn more about the muscular structure. I think i deserve 83% in bio because i showed all my evidence of learning want to improve from that grade by next report cards.

In exercise science i have shown that my vo2 level is 58 and that i am rated good and almost excellent on the scale. my evidence are my blogs for example fitness testing results and  workout routines. my body poster shows how much I understood and posted on my poster. My fitness goal was not achieved for getting more stamina because i was unluckily and  got injured and couldn't run but instead my goal on becoming more flexible was achieved because I stretched a lot more in rehab. My goal for next semester is to recover my ankle and start doing fitness again and to achieve my goal on getting more stamina.  I think i deserve around 87% in exercise science.

in superfit i went to many field trips and enjoyed most of the like rock climbing because i never experienced that and it was fun. I also found skating very scary bbut fun because last time i did it i got stitches and said i wouldn't do it again but somehow did that day without falling. Instead of superfit this semester i did rehab for my ankle and went physio twice a week which really helped because she gave me exercises which is getting me back into soccer slowly i think i deserve around 92%in superfit.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Pumpkin skull


The most common and difficult to rest injuries are ankle injures because their are many joints and muscles around the ankle that support it. It is very important to rest because if you don't it will keep stretching  the ligaments will get mch worse. It takes few weeks to many month, in my case it took many months and is still fully not recovered. it can also possibly get torn which is caused by a bad strtch. It is also very important to heel a ankle injury because it can cause long term pains and problems.


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Respiration lab

This is before exhaling co2 and the test tubes had lemon lime 
Observation : clear
This is after exhaling co2 and thebone with the straw looked salty and white an the other test tube was still clear

After blowing co2 into one for 5 mins changed yellow after ph identification liq andthe other one turned green

Monday, October 27, 2014

tree growing in lung

Ron Sveden was a retired teacher from Brewster, Massachusetts in the USA was very surprised to discover that what he thought was a tumor  growing in his lung was actually a plant that had sprouted from an inhaled pea. 75-year old Sveden said he was told the pea seed had split and sprouted in his lung. It was about half an inch long which is very big. Sveden had been short of breath for several months with  emphysema, one of a group of diseases called chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD, when he took a turn for the worse. He said he was coughing a lot and feeling listless, so his wife Nancy called 911 and he was rushed to hospital where doctors took X-rays and found that his left lung had collapsed and showing a grainy spot on X-ray.The doctors followed two more weeks of tests, and Sveden had prepared himself for a diagnosis of lung cancer, but all the tests were negative for cancer. Then one doctor discovered he had a plant growing in his lung, during the surgery and was removed. He healed perfectly and found it very humorous that it was tree and not cancer.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

fitness testing results

my goals are to be more flexible. 2 testing methods are doing the splits and measuring how low you can get and doing the backwards bridge. Many workouts are to stretch a lot after workouts to help me achieve this goal

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Hi Mom and Dad!
This is my interim report for the Human Kinetics Coop.

So far, the highlights for me have been: most of the fieldtrips were really fun i enjoyed rock climbing alot

I am the most proud of:I am proud of the amount of things we learned about the heart because i never knew any of those things. 

The most interesting things I have learned about are: how the heart works and how it pumps blood faster 

An example of when I really pushed myself in SuperFit is:beep test and the hill run we did as a class

I could make improvements in:not getting distracted 

I am really looking forward to: more fieldtrips 

The Basics - WORK HABITS:

Attendance (classes missed and why) - i missed some because of soccer and one because of my injury

Participation in field trips (woo kim, grouse grind, rock climbing) - i went to them all now 

Lates (how many & reasons) - i was late before but now i improved 

Preparedness for class (gym strip &/or supplies) - always have it

Class time management (are you using your class time to complete your work?  engaged in class discussion? participating? following along? doing your best? or talking too much? ) -i am well at class management and finish most of the stuff in class

Blog assignment completion - (out of 8 assignments) Comments? i did all of them 

Self evaluation of work habits for each class in coop - G/S/N : G

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

grouse grind

the last time I went to the grouse grind was a year ago with my soccer team. It was very difficult because it is an up hill incline all the way. It was tough but I finished it less than 45 mins. . Half way I was starting to feel it in my legs a lot more and my body temp was rising.  My breathing rate was high at the end but it was not that bad because I kept one pace through out the grind. It was aerobic because my heart rate was increasing and was high endurance activity. I was also around zone 4 at the end.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Vo2 max

my vo2 level according to my beep test is 58.0

heart disection

external observation:
I never really saw the heart that much but from what I did see it was kind of bloody from the outside and looked like raw meat.

internal observation:
by looking at pictures the heart looked diff than the outside because of all the atriums .The heart looks like it will be soft and mushy from the inside.

1) The most surprising thing for me was how different it was than I imagined it to be because i thought it would be much more like a soft heart but it looked like a piece of raw meat
2) the atria only has one job to collect and squeeze blood into the ventricles. The ventricles are larger because they need to contract the blood.
3) The left ventricle pumps blood to the entire body while the right only pumps blood to the lungs.
4) The left AV Valves function is to close when the left ventricle contracts to prevent it from back flowing the blood from the left atrium and right AV valves function is to close when the right ventricle contracts. Then the blood from the ventricles can go out of the heart and into the blood vessels. Mitral and tricuspid valves open when the ventricles relax and let blood enter the ventricles from the atria.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

workout routine

barbell skull crusher




Barbell Curls




Rope Extensions



Dumbbell Hammer Curls




Concentration Curls


20mins Bike (cardio)

heart diagram

Heart Structure

 one of four chambers and pumps blood into the left ventricle
The strongest and largest of all the chambers, the left ventricle has enough force to pump blood to tissues all over the body.
 The right side of the heart then pumps blood into the pulmonary veins around the lungs.
 pumps the blood up through the pulmonary valve and through the pulmonary artery and to the lungs.
the vessel transporting blood from the right ventricle to the lungs. vessels carry blood away from the heart.
largest artery in the body. 

begins at the top of the left ventricle

 The heart pumps blood from the left ventricle into the aorta through the aortic valve.
Carries oxygen, rich blood from lungs back to heart
Oxygen, poor blood from upper body returns to heart
Oxygen, poor blood from lower body returns to heart
controls blood flow from atrium to ventricles
bring right ventricular walls closer, holds valves in place

SEMI LUNAR VALVES (Pulmonary & Aortic)
control blood flow from ventricles to aorta
= seprates left and right atria and ventricles

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

HK intro

i took coop because it looked fun and human kinetics really caught my eye. I like to play soccer and do any sports and also watch tv. I did a lot of fitness activities throughout the summer for example soccer 4 to 5 days a week and also fitnation 3 times a week that works on strength training. my fitness goals over the semester is to get more stamina. my family is very important to me and also playing soccer